Tuesday, 12 April 2011

EXP2 - The Labratory - A new world

Sigmund and Maria's Lab in Crysis Wars

The Hypotheses taking 3 Dimensional form

EXP2 - "Electroliquid Aggregation"

Hypothese 5 + 3
5.Maria Agnesi was talented in exploring different geometries, she was inspired to do this through her passion of mathematics.
3.Newton wanted to design a parallel universe. 

Hypothese 5 + 2
5.Maria Agnesi was talented in exploring different geometries, she was inspired to do this through her passion of mathematics.
2.Freud believed the world is built on sexual drives

Hypothese 5 + 7
5.Maria Agnesi was talented in exploring different geometries, she was inspired to do this through her passion of mathematics.
 7.Sigmund Freud struggled with cancer causing contemplation in suicide.

The Combined Hypotheses
Sigmund Freud was inspired to explore Maria Agnesi's mind due to their common passion of suicide invoking mathematics. The resultant amalgamation was the pioneering of meglamanic geometries never seen before, of which they believed would be the cure to brain cancer.